Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Night to Remember

The time is somewhere around 2 in the morning. I may be very wrong because all my senses are giving me not so accurate readings. The reason, that I am sitting here before my laptop and not outside between the blaring music and the loud emptiness on the dance floor is that I am waiting for one of the above mentioned events to stop happening. I sincerely hope it’s the music that should shut itself off, the result of some goof up by an insanely drunk moron, many of whom are all around and in plenty.
Another reason for my not looking forward to the filling up of the dance floor is that there seems to be an epidemic of sorts around this place. Regardless of whatever we choose to call the ailment, we invariably call the person diagnosed with this disorder as “GHISSU”. These socio-educo maniacs are a chief carrier of the microbes responsible for their condition and can infect new victims by their antics in every lecture and specially the quizzes. Rather communicable, I’ll say. Chief symptoms are their being quite finicky around others suffering from the same disorder and being very patronizing to all the rest of us. They are seen in and around an impious monument of hate called a library, built by some guy who was bade a good bye just by the mere look of him and hence very aptly named as Ta-Ta.
(But this ultra interesting topic of “Ghissu” is forcing a digression from our discussions of one particular night and hence it will be taken in detail in my next post. Right now its time we get back.)
So we end up not having a lot of souls interested enough to enjoy the free flowing music, but they sure as hell are interested in the free flowing booze (thanks to a free wet night). Then there is the chief commodity requirement of such a night which is the need for a pair of legs (ahem…. female), around you. I am no Lector Hannibal and so I prefer the legs to be still attached to a perfectly normal Living female human being who hopefully is also drunk enough not to mind my remotely recognizable Martian zombie dance, because I can’t humanely dance even if my mortal existence on this planet depended on it. So I stick out like a sore thumb, or rather a quadruplet of sore thumbs.
And hence at end of the day or to be statistically accurate, the beginning of it I am still as lost as when the whole event of cacophony started. This state of being lost keeps pushing me towards reason. I step out to find the reasons for lots of things like why is this event called what it is called. We call it a wet night, may be because people may actually drown in their sweat while they keep trying to groove, TRY being the keyword. Or may be because, they turn all the wash rooms near or far into a swimming pool of a lot of fluids, all of which are not worth mentioning and may kill a sane organism instantly with its oozing aroma.
And to add insult to injury, people have actually started flooding the empty dance floor, and all, I repeat, all seem to have some how managed to find a dance partner. Now I may seem a kind of moronic, stereotyping organism but dancing alone was never my forte and hence I am still lost. Reason my friend, reason. What could have gone wrong? Is it the oriental dance steps or is it the unboozed sanity? Or is it the simple point that uncommitted women here are an extinct species? Or is it that Showy-BUM can jog around 8 females inside 15 seconds with steps from Vietnamese kung-fu to American hip-hop? Which leaves them all too fazed to identify with anything remotely human or normal.
This finds me in a rather peculiar position, one where I have dear Old Hammy with me. Now Hammy is a great specimen of humanity specially when he is not drunk but, he is finer when he is. And my chief responsibility now is to look after all the people Hammy wants me to look after because this guy will never stop caring for people, even after he has very craftily squashed their toes with his own form of martial arts.
Then as I have already started to talk, how on earth can I not mention the star of the evening, the ultra rhythmy, super flexible, newest branch of the B-Tree. All the specimens who are spared the above two experiences finally enter the traps of Pam-Pam just to be shown the right way of dancing (read as right way of dancing when you have had enough and you still don’t know it).So as the sun rises in the east and we shout in unison our salutes to the queen called XL, I finally find the night was not that bad after all. And a new promise to look forward to the next wet night…….. For who knows when people might be fascinated with my dance steps.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Setting things in Motion........

Time ……. Any time of the Solar Day or night
Place……...Not really far from my room
Activity…...Quite Involuntary

But what I end up with is a weekend without friends or fun,
Me and my bed…..
Loads of loneliness
And yes the familiar sense of having done something but accomplished nothing.
Lost a lot of life and vitality and gained more unrest.

A couple of days back I went on an expedition of sorts, with three like minded wizened souls our primary aim being the exploration of the subtleties of one of the lesser known places around the valley. There we encountered silly smiling creatures who tricked us into eating stuff with weird names and weirder tastes.

And then all hell broke loose. The wrath of not showing due respect to the Almighty’s (Read as Mess Staff at Fr. Enright) gifts and pondering beyond our realms hit me where it hurts the most. I endured the pain because I felt god can’t be so unmerciful but little did I know that there is god and there are others. So there was no mercy without the pain. And after two days of the penance I still lie at his mercy because he alone knows when I will be absolved.

In the bargain I get to spend my time thinking and pondering the uncertainties of life.
I look forward to all that I miss and more to what I didn’t want to miss. And I know that there is someone up above who metes justice to all. With miles to walk (to and fro) before I sleep and nothing but the next visit to the heaven giving me the power to carry on I promise to myself all that I never did. Like studying once in a while (never define a strict timeline), trying to keep myself away from all the pleasures of the skin like ----- loads of movie watching and eons of sleeping.

But come morning I wake up fresh as a fiddle and then I reach for the laptop to……
To drop a thank you mail to Anjali for the medicine she gave me last night and to thank god for science by watching “The Matrix”. After all “God helps those who help themselves”.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Last Outlaw

Some times I feel that it is all over
May be it was, never, meant to be.
The life has no meaning.
But then, But then I see thee………

Time comes, life goes.
The story moves on.
Countless whispers, but there are no sounds,
Restrain of the shackles on a heart’s unbound.

Is it???
Is it a crime that I don’t commit to your norms
That I hate the shores but love more the storms,
I know I do and have always done,
Loved to face the music and fire of the gun,
I have the guts, to spill them out,
Live a life between uncertainty and doubt.

The rock will face the river one day,
The top of a wave, the bottom of the bay
That day, I will stand alone,
And then I will think and think aloud,
That what I do is none of your business,
That I am not a part of this crying crowd,

I am not a party to this old rat race,
I don’t have to do things to present a great face,
That is for the sissies and the faint hearts,
The dandies, the gas bags and the loud farts

So here comes the end and the story remains the same,
The city sleeps but the outcast is still game.
The crowd keeps away and so do I,
Without a laughter, without a cry,

But still………
But still I miss thee……….
The queen of my heart who doesn’t crave me

The end approaches and I now fear,
The deafening truth which was always so clear,
The heart cries forth, which was once brave,
Will no one morn me when I hit my grave……………….

Saturday, August 2, 2008

And then he spoke.........

Couldn't help posting this......
thoughts of an XLer who is out there facing life outsifde his kingdom........

"...believe that XLers during the course loose strong preferences and deveolop general appreciation for everything.."

Appreciating the generality of things is the greatest virtue cultivable as then, open the doors to salvation..............