Monday, July 28, 2008

Lumberings of a Slumber

When the going gets tough,
And quizzes are on your head,
A bummer goes to library,AND, IR SLEEPS,
with books in bed.

Its about time I should be sleeping, Again.
As it is, I have been doing the same for past 2 days On and Off.

In spite of the fact that I had promised myself that I will study – come what may.
And then they came
The mess food came…….
Bala’s dosa came,
Bishu’s maggi came,
And along came my couch ………

And I slept again, and again, and yet again………..
While people all around, ran all around with dog eared hand outs proclaiming “What is OB”
I really don’t remember what the hell this OB is……….
Wasn’t it a dirty dog…….
Or was it some random combination of letters at Viggi’s blog (he can do a lot of random things, once he is 17 drinks down)………
OB may also be Hammy’s state of mind when he did some thing to improve his already awesome looks…………
Or was it some thing an old, very likable guy with white hair was talking of……. A few eons back.

I have been here before……..
I was lying in the same position……….
With a smug look of having woken up from a deep slumber…….
Posed with the same question……..
The same question for the 17th time in past 58 hours……..

And the answer is………

Does it really matter???

What matters is that I get my 10 hour sleep regularly, and for matters of such national importance, who loses sleep over such trivialities as “What is OB????”
Shhhh……….. Lenin is around.

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